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{{ cartItemsCount }} {{ cartItemsCount === 1 ? 'item' : 'items' }}  {{ cartTotals }}

{{ category.name }}

{{ product.featured_image ? truncateString( product.name, 30 ) : truncateString( product.name, 50 ) }}
  • Alcohol / 21+
  • {{ pickUpOnlyText }}
{{ product.featured_image ? truncateString( product.short_description, 30 ) : truncateString( product.short_description, 68 ) }}
{{ showPrices( product ) }}
Product Added!
{{ product.featured_image ? truncateString( product.short_description, 75 ) : truncateString( product.short_description, 120 ) }}
{{ showPrices( product ) }}
Product Added!
{{ product.featured_image ? truncateString( product.short_description, 75 ) : truncateString( product.short_description, 120 ) }}
{{ showPrices( product ) }}
Continue to Checkout

{{ decodeHTMLEntities( activeProduct.name ) }}

Dietary Guidelines

  • {{ option.split('_').join(' ') }}
{{ `Choose up to ${ modifier.modifier_attributes.max_selected } (${ modifier.modifier_attributes.min_selected } required)` }}
{{ error }}

Please correct the errors in your selections

{{setCurrency(activeProductPrice)}} {{ addingItemsToCart ? 'UPDATING CART' : 'UPDATE CART' }} {{ addingItemsToCart ? 'ADDING TO CART' : 'ADD TO CART' }}
pizza crust
pizza sauce
pizza cheese
pizza topping

{{ decodeHTMLEntities( activeProduct.name ) }}

{{ `Choose up to ${ modifier.modifier_attributes.max_selected } (${ modifier.modifier_attributes.min_selected } required)` }}
{{ error }}
None Left Side Right Side Whole Pizza {{ option.option_name }} {{ getToppingsPrice( modifier, option ) }}
Extra? {{ getExtraPrice( modifier, option ) }} Yes No

Please correct the errors in your selections

{{ setCurrency( activeProductPrice ) }} {{ addingItemsToCart ? 'UPDATING CART' : 'UPDATE CART' }} {{ addingItemsToCart ? 'ADDING TO CART' : 'ADD TO CART' }}
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